
EST. 2020



edited by
Mario Ciaramitaro & Alberto Restucci

aarduork begins by showing you some images snatched from Alessio Mazzaro's hard drives.

The operation is the result of a propitious common understanding. We were looking for a collaboration, we wanted to edit images and work only through images and here Alessio had an old note: to entrust someone with his hard disks.

So went down throught all those folders that everybody keep full of raw material, almost symbolic material, connections and memories.

For those who haven’t met Alessio, he could be addressed as multiform and multi energetic. He is an experiential artist, and to get to know him is also to meet his practice. His ability to transform the environment around him into a place attentive to all the dynamics of sociality emerges strongly from all his practice, even where solitary experience is the key.
His narratives always lead us into an heteropia where everyone has the right to equality with the others: he analyzes the present to tell a possible collective future.
The practice is acted. The forms of expression are multiple. One of us knows his mutations very well, the other has never seen him perform live and has never had the opportunity to witness how he changes skin and body in his exploration of movement.
Perhaps this coincides a bit with what you can feel when you see his images for the first time: the images reveal him as an explosive body, where instead, at least when we meet him at the bar he’s calm, methodical and structured.

We always try to corrupt him, to be able to witness some of his explosions. Our current strategy is to bribe him at night, with beers and barbecue by the sea.

aarduork was born in the storm.

It’s an artists' space for b–side practices, undercover artists,
radical procedures and hard works, whatever that means.

Right now, aarduork is based online hosting shows and practices periodically.

We are looking forward to establish drop zones into your living rooms, bedrooms and backyards.